OK, back with an update...sort of. :-) I've successfully used PlayLater to record some programing on my laptop to take on the road. The mp4 files all look good although I did have some failures that required me two or three tries before I got them downloaded. That was probably related to bandwidth being used by other devices in my HOME (I capitalized that for the person who thought I was hogging campsite resources)at the same time I was downloading them. At any rate, they look good but I've been so busy getting ready for the road that I've not actually viewed any. If I don't post any more to this thread, please assume that PlayLater worked as advertized. If there are issues, I'll come back and "whinge" about them. Happy travels everyone and thanks for all of your responses. ;-)
PS Mr Wiz...it streams them in real time and records as it streams. At least I'm pretty sure that's what it is doing...it takes 30 min. to record a 30 min. program and as I mentioned, I had a few failures when I was recording during times of high usage in my house. ;-)