Forum Discussion

chast's avatar
Explorer II
Nov 10, 2017

Violent WH ignition?

My Suburban water heater with DSI ignites violently every once in a while. When it does there is a loud pop and the flame comes out the screen vent on the cover. Most of the time, it ignites in the usual way, but when it ignites violently it draws your attention. What gives? Everything is old in a 1999 Bounder. I have cleaned everything. Ideas?
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    One common cause is excessive spark gap... Have seen this in furnaces. Never a water heater.. But since the systems are identical... I'd check it.
  • Make sure the tube from the jet all the way to the burner is in straight alignment. Some of the fuel maybe escaping the tube if there is an angle in the junction area.
  • This happened to a friend of mine. He did all the cleaning as mentioned above, then ended up buying a new control unit. The control unit was his culprit.
  • Carburetor cleaner works great for dissolving carbon. Fixes thermocouples too.
  • cob webs in the burner tube.
    clogged orfice clean in alcohol
    miss aligned ignighter
    weak gas flow takes time to build up
  • You say you cleaned everything...does that include all the electrical connectors?

    You might check the ceramic around the igniter too. A crack in the ceramic can cause issues with delayed ignition.
  • There is a delay between gas flow and ignition that is causing that. I'm sure someone like Mr. Biscuit will chime in and offer a fix.