Executive wrote:
Hello all. Looking for some information. Cummins, ISM diesel.
My 'Water in Fuel'............ We left West Palm Beach for Fort Meyers and about half way there the light came on. Exec, what are you doing in Florida? you should be in the Mountains -- It's HOT.
With the high humidity of this area, could I have accumulated that much moisture in the tank from condensation? I doubt the Humidity will be the problem, just a guess but it might be into the filter now and is not just draining?
How long a time is 'normal' to purge the water separator ? Am I not opening the drain long enough? I've never had to drain it for more than about 6-8 ozs, so you should be good.
I'm assuming I did not get a bad batch of fuel as I think it would have surfaced well before 300 miles. Is this a fair assumption? Yes and No -- the lower the fuel the more it mixes with the water -- slosh factor so it would have more opportunity to get to the filter and the sensor.
What else should I look for/do? The fuel filters were all changed in March of this year. I have extra filters on board and am currently parked at a campground so it's not yet an emergency situation. If the cleaning of the connection does not solve it I've used a fuel additive called 911 from Napa or Wal*Mart - it usually solves all my water in fuel issues.
Thanks for any advice and/or suggestions.....Dennis
Let us know how it goes.
Last time I was in Florida was in a February and I moved up to Hilton Head to Cool Off!
Always enjoy reading your posts,