Tom/Barb wrote:
For the cost of towing equipment, tow bars, electrical harness, tire wear, all that.
depending on your usage, you can rent a U-Haul car transporter 25 bucks a day, and you can back it up. they are great for 2-3 times per year long distance.
moving every day, hook and unhook, you can load a trailer faster than hooking up, and you can buy a car trailer quite cheap.
some cars require special equipment be added to tow 4 down, (do your home work on your car) towing 4 down is a very popular way to go, but it isn't perfect.
We also use a trailer to haul our car. Mostly because we already had a trailer, that I use to haul antique farm tractors on.
If you go with a trailer, use an equalizing hitch with sway control.