randallb wrote:
Since all of the non-Ford 05 HR Admirals are built on the W-22 chassis the ride height most likely decreases with size of the box. The larger the box the lower the chassis should sit due to the increased weight of the box. The tire wear sounds like a tire issue not an alignment problem but you should have the RV inspected to be on the safe side. The item you are referring to as a bump stop is not! It is actually an operating part in the suspension referred to a a Timbrun (trademark name) spring and is considered a primitive air spring. When it contacts the spring it seals the air inside to increase spring rate during suspension compression plus using the elasticity / compression characteristics of the material it is constructed out of. If both sides are touching the spring this is not unheard of, again, depending on the weight of the box. A single long scallop or wear pattern is usually indicative of a tire separation. Since the WH W series chassis uses a mono leaf spring in the front the box weight will have a noticeable effect on ride height. Ranbdy
This is a 33PPD at 34 ft. There were 2 leaf springs on each side and I could see and about 1/2 in gap between them in spots. Scallops on tires were about 2-3 ins long only on the outside rib. It does have 62,000 miles. I imagine with that many miles it could wear out springs. On my old P30 the front coils were worn out at about 60k miles. I liked the construction of the Al hung side walls which can't delaminate and the Al roof, 228 in WB, 2 pass thrus and a CCC of 2600 lbs. The awning was missing it looks like it was blown off hardware and all.