Forum Discussion

WrongWayDiva's avatar
Sep 21, 2015

What amperage is the resistor on a 1998 Damon Intruder?

We are having problems with our slide out motor. There is a circuit breaker or resistor between the battery and the pump that opens when its hot and closes when its cool. Hubby needs to know what amperage it is--20 or 30? We cannot find a schematic drawing of the electrical system for this rig. Sorry if this is not clear, trying to post for hubby.
  • Definitely not a resistor, and I agree likely a (probably self-resetting) circuit breaker.

    Generally the circuit breaker modules are marked on one of their sides with the current rating. You can also get some idea of what is reasonable based on the gauge of wire used in the circuit.
  • It is not a resister but probably just an automatic resetting circuit breaker. They are not that expensive and he can try the 20 amp and see if it works. The motor should have an amp rating printed on the side.