In my continuing quest to get ready for some serious RVing this season I accomplished this this week with the help of Best Buy.
This could be considered maximizing storage. I replaced my factory Sound 5 radio with this Kenwood HD AM/FM/CD receiver that has both an auxiliary jack and a USB port for MP3 players, iPods and iPhones. So we can eliminate carrying all our CDs in a bulky case since they have all been put into iTunes and can be carried on our iPhones. We can now also borrow and download audio books from our local library from anywhere in the United States.
After considerable research I found you could add a USB connection to the back of the factory Sound 5 radio but then discovered there were two versions - a European version and a Chinese version (which I had) and the Chinese version USB port would not charge the iPhone. There was also a question of whether it would work at all which I was not going to gamble to find out.
This Kenwood radio is also an HD radio that picks up digital broadcasts that I couldn't get with my original radio receiver. I haven't explored that yet but I read in the manual it can capture music played on the radio that you can then buy and download from iTunes. The radio was last year's model discounted at Best Buy. It is not the greatest looking radio and the buttons are too small and a bit non-intuitive. By the time you buy all the accessory connections required including an installation kit to fill in the dash face you spend more money than for the radio itself. Also, it does not work with my steering wheel buttons. To accomplish that, I would have to spend another $160 for connections and installation. Since I can't recall ever using the steering wheel buttons for the radio I decided to forgo that cost. There are two of us all the time in the B and the passenger operates the radio. The sound with the original speakers seems more robust.
2021 Advanced RV 144 WB 2500 Class B
2015 Advanced RV Ocean One Class B