Dale.Traveling wrote:
For the current model year the F53 comes in wheelbase lengths from 158" to 252". It's up to the builder to choose which length to build on. Bigger the wheel base the higher the cost so builders will go as small as they can.
Also Ford E series, cutaway or stripped chassis the choice of wheelbase is 138" 158" or 176". At least for model year 2018. Are you sure about the 220"-228" lengths?
Dimensional data from Ford is listed here - 1997-2018 Ford Body Builders Layout Book(s)
Yes, thats why I thought it odd
From www.jayco.com class C
Greyhawk 29 MV 223" wheelbase
Forest River Forester 3011ds
220" Wheelbase.
I assume the builders are cutting and extending the chassis for these, but Coachmen, Winne, they all are longer than 200" on most 29-32' Class C units.
Yet they will build Class A gassers 30 - 34' long with only a 190" wheelbase.