My little pip-squeak motorhome (high profile and short wheelbase) won't handle wind as well as longer DPs, so my limits are likely lower than most, but so far I've found that up to 15 mph I hardly notice, 20 mph is tiring, and above that I either have to slow down or stop. In the 15-20 range, especially with gusty cross-winds, it's a lot like flying in turbulence: not necessarily dangerous, but it just wears me out. So, I'm guided by the old flying rule: "It's better to be on the ground wishing you were in the air, than in the air wishing you were on the ground."
Incidentally, a weird thing I've noticed is that quartering crosswinds seem to push me around more than right-angle crosswinds. The physics seem wrong (since the cross-wind component of a quartering cross-wind is only about 70% of right-angle value), but I've noticed the effect several times. It's on my list of things to research someday.