smbmikey wrote:
Hello Friends,
I am only able to afford around a 1996-1999 Class A Motor home. When you are looking for a good Buy? What are some of the major check points and inspections before a purchase? My wife and kids really like this motor home I found.. Can you tell by the pictures in a listing?
Can some one tell me about this class A
For a long road trip. Please help, I can not afford to buy something else.
Not a fan of the 460 ford or with so much overhang to wag the dog on this particular rig. Also, it doesn't appear to have any slides and like them or not, it kills the resale. I mean you can buy a big American DP in that price range without slides.
For comparison, we sold our 98 36ft National Tropical Chevy with one slide and a tag axle last year for $12500. It was as nice quality coach with the 7.4 Vortec engine. You could probably buy a like Ford coach in a 2000 model at 37ft, with an additional BR slide, with a V10, but try not to get the first year V10, which lacked in power.