Forum Discussion

Don_Parrish's avatar
Apr 09, 2015

Where are you tag axle people going today?

Today while driving to Phoenix from the Flagstaff area, I must have seen 30 to 35 Class A coaches going north. That in itself is a lot more than usual for the drive down I-17 but what struck me was of that number, 12 to 15 of those were 40' plus, tag axle coaches. On that particular drive in Arizona, maybe one in ten is a tag axle coach. I assume none were going to was in the 20's last night and will be again tonight. Must be a nice convention somewhere.
  • The week after Easter rvs of all types are always heading north from Florida.
  • We drove to Death Valley from the Los Angeles area and from Barstow to Vegas, we saw 25 or more DP's on the road and at least 20 were Monaco's. They either had a rally or it was a fluke.
  • Most everyone in our AZ RV park had plans to pull out the first week in April. Almost all were heading north back home.