Quint Da Man wrote:
Thanks all so much for all this info!!!!!
Much to my dismay although I already new the answer (but was hoping) is if I buy my coach early, before I retire, I will have to pay Massachusetts sales tax on purchase and excise tax for every year registered in Mass until I finally retire and go fulltime. I was hoping there was a way, like many yacht owners do, to register in a tax friendly state even though I'm still a Mass resident for a few more years.
There is. Go ahead and get the Montana LLC, and buy your coach in Montana. BUT, carefully check the laws in Mass. to be VERY sure you fully comply with each and every one of them! It may well be that you can NEVER bring your coach into the State of Massachusetts! You just might have to park it on a storage lot in a neighboring state to avoid problems with Mass. authorities.
As I have said repeatedly:
KNOW the law!
OBEY the law!
DOCUMENT the fact that you have obeyed the law!
And you will have no problems!
An interesting side note to Montana registration is that all vehicles 11 years old or older; all trailers, regardless of size or type; all motorcycles, including street-legal ATV's; and all boats can have PERMANENT registration. After 2017 I will never have to worry about registration renewal!
As for sales tax, IF it is ever passed, it is limited by the State Constitution to no more than 4%. At the present time, there is very little agitation to get such a thing passed. I don't think it will pass anyway, because it would mean that the Wyoming folks would have no reason to shop here!