mdamerell wrote:
Well, I don't own a MH but I bought my 5er for basically the same reason. As a truck driver I use to enjoy flying when on vacation. Have fond memories of flying as a youngster with my grandmother. Use to fly to St Louis so often the flight attendants knew my name and my drink. Since 9-11 I dread the airport. Flew once after 9-11 and after that mess, I won't fly again. I'm a large person so I bought a 2nd ticket so I'd not be jammed against the person next to me. That caused a stink although some airlines require it. Then on the return flight I got bumped to a 2nd carrier which made me a "one-way with no baggage" (carry on only) which earned me a pat down and extra screening. Now understand, I have a NSA security background check for Haz-Mat on my CDL. I have a NAS background check for firearms and I've had security clearances when I was in nuclear power and the military, but none of that mattered cause the airline created a situation that I had a one-way ticket.
Nope, the airlines screwed up and can't understand why they are going broke.
Same here. Prior to the
enhanced security after 9/11, I flew a lot. Not after 9/11 though.
DW and I too were faced with no choice but having to have to fly one time since then. When we arrived at check-in, we had one bag to check and one carry on. They told me that my checked bag was 5 lbs over weight. Now I'm thinking, OK, it'll cost me an extra $10 or $15 and we'll be on our way. The counter person then told me that it would be an extra $50.00 for the 5 lbs! I even asked if I heard correctly. He replied, "Yes sir. Five-O, fifty-dollars". HOWEVER, he then explained that I could take the bag off to the side, off load the extra 5 lbs into our carry on, then then bring the bag back and check it in. I just stood for a moment or two, thinking that I may have mis-understood something. I then replied, "You do realize that both of these bags are going on the SAME plane and therefore, we did not reduce the weight at all?" He said, "Yes sir, but that's the rules".:S
I'm all for heightened and tightened security at airports and airlines, but that isn't what I'd observed. The security measures were cumbersome, yet not thorough enough to maintain good "security". Many of the agents seemed as if they weren't paying attention to what was going on. This last experience of mine was in 2007. Perhaps it has gotten better? Not according to what others have told me. Missing baggage, cancelled flights, late flights that cause passengers to miss their connecting flights, etc. Then add to that the attitude of the airlines which don't seem to give a darn if you're stranded.
Flying is not an issue for me, but I'm done with airports and airlines and the dim-wits that operate them!
DW still flies about once a year to see her brother and SIL out in Nevada. As for me, I'll have no part of it (unless it was an extreme emergency).
If I can't get there in the Dutch Star (or one of my vehicles in the off season) I'm not going.