When I bought this '02 Winnie last year, it drove better than my previous '94 Bounder, both DP's on Freightliner chassis, but with this one, I'd only have to grip the steering wheel with two hands instead of GRIP it. Both are 35', but the '02 has 22.5 tires the '94 had 19.5. Quartering winds were pretty bad, causing a quick steering adjustment, as were semi's passing me on two lane roads. Either rig. Lots of rocking and sway. Difficult to maintain centering. Both rigs have air cushioning (air bags), the '94 passive, the '02 active. I always have my tires at high pressure to reduce under inflation wear.
With that in mind, I added those plastic V-spoiler things on the back of the RV. They cause the slipstream behind the RV to be spoiled so that there's less suction back there. And another effect is that you're more stable in the wind, or when a truck passes. Before installation, I would need to fight a quartering wind, afterwards, nice and steady, one handed steering.
Here's what they look like. I got my set free because the company wanted some exposure on my blogsite. They got that so we're even.
I like what they do for stability. Especially during wind events.