Forum Discussion

campmanfromSD's avatar
Nov 15, 2013

winter months

I am learning a lot in this forum section. I have decided to leave my rig uncovered and run it once a month, also wondering about leaving it plug into AC power. This will keep the coach battery charged up right????? I store mine in my driveway at home.
  • I go for a drive once a month or at least 6 weeks (depending on weather) for a half hour or so. Long enough for all the running gear to come up to operating temperature. While getting ready run the generator a while - the owners manual suggest a time. While the generator is running I run the microwave, heater and other appliances to place a load on generator.
  • Hubby also runs the generator every so often, don't know if your suppose to or not but he said it keeps all the parts lubed and in good shape.
  • Coach - yes. Your convertor-battery charger will take care of these.
    There is a good possibility it will not the keep the chassis battery
    charged up. Some systems will not charge the coach and chassis from shore power.

    There are lots of monitors that the RV factory slips in and pulls from
    the chassis battery. These will pull it down in a couple of weeks.

    I do the same-thing you are talking about and added a a small battery maintainer
    that I bought from Walmart. It plugs into the dash power port to charge the chassis battery and I plug into the 120V AC inside the MH to power it.

    Not all batteries stay charged.
  • No problem but if you have a single stage converter you will need to check battery water if you keep the battery switch ON.

    ....or you can leave it plugged in, battery switch OFF and battery maintainers on house and chassis batteries to keep them happy.