Forum Discussion

dddd4567's avatar
Jul 23, 2016

Wire to rear air

Drilled into rear air wire ( No longer have drill ) from roof on 2010 Allegro 32ba and now have a short. would like to replace wire not sure how to get to it???
  • The only way on a Tiffin to run a 12/3 romex 120 wire is thru the ceiling duct work. IF your 120 box is located in the rear bedroom area it is easier. If it is amidships in the hallway just a little more difficult. Doug
  • It is a dedicated line going to the rear air conditioner.Added another one to What was the thought process NONE column. Before adding more to that column (ya should have asked before drilling)I was hoping someone with an allegro had needed to get to a wire or something in the ceiling and had the best way to create the least amount of repair work. I know I need a 1'x 1' hole unless the wire can be pulled from?? Thank You for your help.
  • might be a good spot to put a vent in,big hole to work in and looks good when done.
  • dddd4567 wrote:
    Drilled into rear air wire ( No longer have drill ) from roof on 2010 Allegro 32ba and now have a short. would like to replace wire not sure how to get to it???

    I'm not sure what you mean by "rear air wire". If it is a wire feeding a circuit for air conditioner, which is more likely a dedicated circuit, meaning a single feed for specific load which is the AC. If such is the case, turn off the breaker (with the main breaker as well.) Then, turn on the main breaker and check if any branch circuit trips other than the one for the AC. If all looks OK, turn the AC breaker on and see if it trips. If it trips then you're halfway in your fixing the problem.
    Obviously, the problem started when you drilled through the wire. You can't replace the entire run of the wire without having to destroy your roof and probably the ceiling also. If you have access to the drilled spot from the ceiling, you can make the repair without increasing the potential of a roof leak. The repair access hole would be at least 5" x 5" square. A good electrician can make a reliable wire splice that would be as good as the original. Keep us posted on how you make out.
    Good luck.
  • If it was me and I'm glad it's not.( I drill holes in the bottom of my boat, mounting a depth finder ) I would cut a 4" X 4" sq, where you was drilling and splice the wire in a metal 4x4 box. put a painted cover over the box.
  • Just disconnect it at its origin and run another one. Or, since you know exactly where you damaged it, make an opening in the ceiling to repair that section and put some sort of access panel over it. If it's small enough you can use an adhesive backed, round, plastic plate that is used to cover dings in the wall made by door knobs.