Forum Discussion

lucky13's avatar
Apr 02, 2014

you gotta love it

today we hear that camperworld four campgrounds in Utah are in financial problems due to financial mismanagement , so they fired their board and want they members to pay an extra fee to service the debt. ??? After the members send in the extra fee then they will decide if they will stay in business. Are you kidding me. Send in money I don't know if I will every see, then after you have the money you'll let me know?? Only in America ha ha
  • Would like to hear from other members of Camperworld. PM me
  • 11B wrote:
    They will have no problem selling off a couple of their campgrounds for top dollar. Then they can use that money to fund the left over parks. I know its not the way the members will like to see it happen but the way I see it 1/2 a pie is better than no pie at all.
    X-2, this is the smartest route for there customers!
  • They sure kept it quiet until everyone paid their dues which had to be paid 1 Jan.
  • lucky13 wrote:
    today we hear that camperworld four campgrounds in Utah are in financial problems due to financial mismanagement , so they fired their board and want they members to pay an extra fee to service the debt. ??? After the members send in the extra fee then they will decide if they will stay in business. Are you kidding me. Send in money I don't know if I will every see, then after you have the money you'll let me know?? Only in America ha ha

    Well, Lucky, I think that from what I can tell from your broken post is that there is a company that has mismanaged funds, fired the board, and now want the stakeholders/customers (not sure which applies here) to fork out a small fee to somehow attempt solvency? If the new leadership wants to make it work they need to figure the future value of the money collected and see if it will pay the bills ahead of time; BEFORE you start paying. If they can show you it will work, then they need to ask nicely for your money. What is the gain and loss for you on this issue if they go out of business?

  • It is a lose/lose for the members. If you give them the money you have no reason to think they will not blow it too. In the end you are out all of your money and will have nothing to show for it. Never been a fan of CG memberships
  • I could never understand paying for a service now that will be delivered in the future. Ex: timeshares, extended warranties & campground camping.
  • Isn't this the same outfit in 2009 that told it's members they needed to pay a special assessment in 2009, and stated the bylaws prevented them from opening the books for the membership to see?
  • They will have no problem selling off a couple of their campgrounds for top dollar. Then they can use that money to fund the left over parks. I know its not the way the members will like to see it happen but the way I see it 1/2 a pie is better than no pie at all.
  • A bad situation for everyone at this point. The special assessment seems excessive but is likely the "easiest" way out of their mess. Without raising enough funds through the assessment they risk bankruptcy and then it's anybodys guess what happens based on how much or little is left.

    The only thing for sure in this situation is the members will NOT be happy!