lucky13 wrote:
today we hear that camperworld four campgrounds in Utah are in financial problems due to financial mismanagement , so they fired their board and want they members to pay an extra fee to service the debt. ??? After the members send in the extra fee then they will decide if they will stay in business. Are you kidding me. Send in money I don't know if I will every see, then after you have the money you'll let me know?? Only in America ha ha
Well, Lucky, I think that from what I can tell from your broken post is that there is a company that has mismanaged funds, fired the board, and now want the stakeholders/customers (not sure which applies here) to fork out a small fee to somehow attempt solvency? If the new leadership wants to make it work they need to figure the future value of the money collected and see if it will pay the bills ahead of time; BEFORE you start paying. If they can show you it will work, then they need to ask nicely for your money. What is the gain and loss for you on this issue if they go out of business?