We had absolute success in using a stone on the diffuser plate on the bottom of the oven. Unfortunately the stone broke and I haven't replaced since we bought the Winnie.
In as much as the principle is to disperse the heat evenly and in better quality that is done by using thicker metal in the oven floor and most cookware uses thicker metal of different types, wouldn't a 1/4" sheet of aluminum work as well as a pizza stone?
I actually have a stovetop griddle that fits in the oven perfectly and seems to resist warping on the uneven stovetop burners or open fire in the fire ring so why not use that. I just thought of this yesterday after the DW was baking some brownies and she was worried about burning them without her stone. She did by the way, a beautiful job of making the brownies, not dry and not gooey, just perfectly chewy.
I know stones are expensive and a unglazed terra cotta tile will work great but we already have the grill and it is virtually indestructible so why not us that.