magnusfide wrote:
dedmiston wrote:
LOL. I'm afraid I don't even know what that means.
LOL. It's Scottish slang for playing the bagpipes (piping) while bringing in the haggis (piston) to the table.
Just what is it about the pipes anyway?
I attended a memorial flag ceremony for one of my Dad's old coworkers at Dad's old fire station a few weeks ago and they had a piper just like they did for Dad's service. There's something about having a piper there. As horrible as the squeal of the pipes is, it's just so doggone solemn. You can't help but get choked up once the piper begins.
The piper at Dad's ceremony almost twenty years ago was a grizzled old guy, but the recent piper was an adorable young woman probably in her early 30s. It was a little off-putting at first to see someone cute playing the pipes instead of an old dude, but she was tremendous. She did a great job. Not a dry eye in the place. It was pouring rain so we had to hold the service inside the engine room where the acoustics are enclosed, and her pipes absolutely rocked the station off its foundation.
Someone please talk about food before my eyes do that thing again.