Yeah, our site is out in the boonies. Lots of forest and small hills. No buildings. The tv channels are all 30-50 miles away. There's only about 4 channels, not including sub channels. We have directv and get our local home channels, but we are about 180 miles from home. And I'd like to get the local news up north, mainly for the weather and local events happening up north.
The trailer is a brand new 2016 so I'm sure the coax on the roof is ok yet. I will do some research on adding the Wingman to what we currently have. But I have no way of turning the antenna without getting on the roof. So I may just end up having to get a residential style antenna and mounting it on a pole or something.
I like the idea of the Rayzar, though I'm not a fan of the price. But if I can't come up with a cheaper solution, I will buy one and try it.
Thanks for the help everyone!