Big Katuna wrote:
If you dont have either yet or not under contract, I would recommend DISH over Directv.
I have had both DTV for fifteen years and switched to DISH a year ago when they came out with their $49/mo for two years.
With DTV I used a good tripod like TV4RV sells. You need a good tripod that you can easily level; it makes attaining a good signal on all sats more reliable.
There are no carry out auto domes for Directv HD.
With DISH there are several. The best (IMHO) is the Winegard Pathway X2. $400.
It lets you pick between the western or eastern arcs for a better chance to clear trees.
DISH is easier to deal with as far as being rv friendly. They encourage rv use and when you change areas and lose your locals, you call them up and they gladly change to your new area.
With a 211 receiver ($70) you connect the carry out, turn it on, it asks you which arc you want, you click scan and wait.
I don't have either yet. I'm moving out to the country soon and will need to get something for there and RVing as part of a lifestyle change.
Is the programming OK with Dish? I've heard they are losing channels.