We gave up on campground WIFI years ago...
We carry a Verizon secure MIFI unit which sets up a hotspot for 5 of our devices... Uses the internet through the Verizon folks...
I have my MIFI box sitting in one of those WILSON Cradles which has an outside antenna so this gives us coverage all around our camping site..
Works out great for us...
We only use the internet for checking in with the kids on social medial etc..., pay a few bills, and surf the internet a little bit...
Verizon for us never lets us down on connecting to the internet... When I am solo camping this is the best way for me to use it. I am still running my old GIBBS FLIP phone that doesn't have a lot of features...
ADDED NOTE - Here the past week or so I am having problems using the RV net... I keep getting temporary out of service NOTICE a lot... Then I reset and it comes back but now I have lost what I was doing and have to start all over again hehe... Took me three rounds to get this reply posted...
Roy Ken