Sep-24-2016 08:27 AM
Sep-25-2016 11:26 AM
Sep-25-2016 10:16 AM
Sep-25-2016 08:34 AM
SVCJeff wrote:
Self powered satellite meters are not cheap, and they get really expensive if you expect to do HD alignment.
RVhiker wrote:
mikestock, I use an Acutrac III+ as well. So far, my meter is still working but it is getting old. My legacy (4 cable out LNB) is permanently mounted to my dish; after aiming with the Acutrac III+, I use a SWM-8 multiswitch at the dish to convert the output to SWM signals.
The cheapest alternative to the Acutrac III+ I've found is the Satlook Lite at about $285. I'm not sure if it is a quality meter or not.
Another alternative would be to find a used meter that just aims KU signals on the 101; although I like seeing 99 and 103 signals as well, if the 101 is peaked properly 99 and 103 should be there.
Sep-25-2016 06:35 AM
Sep-25-2016 05:59 AM
Sep-25-2016 05:35 AM
Sep-25-2016 04:20 AM
mikestock wrote:
I attempted to word the original post to communicate this, but I'm not looking for alternate suggestions. I have been reading posts for years, dealing with suggested ways to set up and doubt if there are many I haven't tried or read about. I even have a Line-of-Site device attached to the dish. But, what I do is what I do and I will continue with this method once I find a replacement.
Sep-25-2016 03:41 AM
mikestock wrote:
I appreciate all of the recommendations for self powered signal strength meters for under $130. :R
Thought somebody might actually read my OP and respond with useful information.
Sep-25-2016 02:28 AM
Sep-24-2016 08:10 PM
Sep-24-2016 06:40 PM
Sep-24-2016 06:26 PM
I use an app ( Free ).. and a 19 inch flat screen ($89) with receiver outside to align..
Sep-24-2016 04:21 PM
Chuck_thehammer wrote:
I use an app ( Free ).. and a 19 inch flat screen ($89) with receiver outside to align..
Sep-24-2016 03:41 PM
Sep-24-2016 03:17 PM