paulcardoza wrote:
The Wineguard Trav'ler is NOT programmable for the EA, no matter what lnb you attach to it. This question has come up fairly often and Wineguard has clearly stated that there is NO configuration available. Your only option for the EA is a separate manually aimed dish, or one of the carryouts that is programmable.
Yes, Paul, that's the company line, but there may be a way to "fool" a Travler.
For example, if you put a DISH Travler in Manual Mode, the dish can be made to look for sat 61.5° using a standard 3 LNB Western Arc 1000.2 dish.
I think you might be able to attach the Eastern Arc 2 LNB. However, this would require modifying the LNB bracket on a Travler.
What makes me think that this could work is that the Eastern Arc 2 LNB attachment for a 1000.2 is unusually wired . . . in a possibly
good way: it has 3 sat connections (just like the 1000.2 WA LNBs), but on the 1000.2 EA LNBs 2 of the 3 connections are for the same sat (72.7°). So there's more of a chance of tuning in sat 72.7°:

I think the trick would be to determine what WA sat the Travler uses to tune in 61.5° in Manual Mode.
Then . . . maybe . . .