I never could find the satellite antenna coaxial cable. I tried a signal generator but it only worked at the the end of the coaxial cable and I needed to find the cable in the middle of the run. I also tried a 9 volt battery and I found two cables with a charge. I traced both cables to the switch box and neither cable had the correct color codes.
So, yesterday I ran a cable from the bedroom, under the coach, and up the windshield post to the area of my satellite receiver. I tested it and it works.
In the bedroom I changed the single cable outlet to a double. I then connected a switch box allowing me to send the signal forward or allow a connection in the bed room.
I also ran a cable from the outside cable/satellite connections to add a second connection to my DirecTV satellite box from my portable satellite antenna. The two cables were ran together under my coach.
I will connect the two cables from my portable satellite antenna and the two cables from my roof mounted satellite antenna to two switch boxes like the one in our bedroom. A: on both switch boxes will connect to the roof antenna and B: on both switch boxes will connect to the portable satellite antenna.
I have to add tie wraps under our coach to make sure everything is secure but it is raining today. Safe travels. JD