I manually updated to Firefox v23, and discovered a potential issue? It's definitely a problem for me. It appears that Firefox v23 has implemented blocking of mixed content by default for security reasons. What this means is that Firefox won't allow loading of non-secure http elements on a secure https page. In order to view both secure and non-secure content, you need to left-click on the following:

And select "Disable Protection on This Page." However, this apparently only works for the current session, so refreshing or reloading the page will result in the non-secure http elements being blocked once again.
This may be fine for most, but creates an issue for me as I have a custom homepage that loads non-secure pages from other sites within a secure Dropbox webpage. This secure webpage is also auto refreshed on a regular basis, so Firefox v23 keeps blocking the non-secure elements each time.
I could not find a way to disable mixed content blocking, similar to IE, in Firefox v23 Options? Nor could I locate a solution doing a Google search. So I went into Firefox v23 configuration, and found the key that needs to be modified.
If you go into Firefox
about:config, and search for the key
security.mixed_content.block_active_content, you just need to "double-click" to change the value from true to
false. Close, and re-start Firefox. This will allow both secure and non-secure webpage elements to display by default.