mcewena wrote:
ktmrfs wrote:
The old "garbage in garbage out".
Not sure I entirely buy that theory. Maybe for clearances etc. but they literally have the gps coordinates of the road in front of me and know my direction of travel. A little Pythagorean math on the fly would work out the angle required for say the next 750yds.
yes that is possible, however the way most of the warnings and other information on a GPS are derived, such as sharp curve, clearance etc. is from DATA Navteq gets from local/city/state agencies about a road.
Another one that often pops up for us is restricted length. Since at least my Garmin RV doesn't let me put in truck length and then trailer length, but only overall length it has a data set incompatible with many length restrictions that restrict length based on TRAILER length, not overall. So at 60ft overall but a 35ft trailer I get restriction on roads that have max trailer length of 50Ft or so.