MarkTwain wrote:
Jim2007 wrote:
Good Afternoon All, I am considering buying a RV760 LMT for use in the truck. If anyone has one of these units please send me your comments. I would be interest in battery life, Tech support and comment about use on the road (we driving on state and Interstate road way). Other comments welcome as well. Thanks. Jim2007
Great product. The large screen makes it possible to still see and read the screen as you are driving and bouncing down the road. You can also set up the Garmin with the height of your trailer which will warn you if your trailer will not clear the height of an underpass. The split screen visual picture of freeway exit lanes you are approaching is very helpful. I have run the Garmin for about 1 hr. with just the battery. I always run with my Garmin plugged into the truck. I have had 3 different Garmins and each one has improved with more features.
I have the RV770 model.
Does the Rv770 model give warning of lane change in advance of
a exit? Thanks JIm2007