Gdetrailer wrote:
RDalr wrote:
I recently acquired a HUD device to be used with an android smart phone. I downloaded a few android apps which work fine. I am curious to see which app HUD users prefer. Which app offers the best interface? Is there a HUD app out there deemed to be the cadillac of all HUD apps? I wouldn't mind paying extra to get it!
Thanking you in advance.
Great, yet ANOTHER "distracted driver" that folks will need to be alert for and dodge..
If Heads up display was such a great thing it would be integrated into EVERY vehicle.
It isn't.
I prefer to be able to fully see out my window glass without the potential distractions, so my phone is in a pocket and stays there for the duration of the drive.
You WILL someday understand where I am coming from after you find yourself facing a running deer darting across the road with oncoming traffic headlights blinding you at the same time.
I can easily spot folks who are driving distracted, they are often the ones randomly crossing the line nearly off the road or worse coming at me..
I see folks driving with extremely bright GPS and Sat radio systems mounted to the dash or window, I can't help to think that they are blinding themselves to other potential dangers like deer or other drivers..
Folks, put those extra distractions down and away and pay attention to the road around you..
End of "Public Service Announcement".
yup. during my public safety career we looked at HUDs for our police vehicles a couple of times and while the technology has certainly changed since then it was never adopted because it was of a distraction than anything else.