jim1521 wrote:
That makes no sense. None of the people around him know what his driving skills are like - or anything else for that matter. All you'll get from those people are OPINIONS.
If he's breaking the law that's one thing. If it's someone's OPINION that he's a risk, that's entirely another. Should we ask someone who's eating a sandwich, or drinking a cup of coffee, or picking their nose, or any other form of distraction as well if they're a risk?
No sense? Quite the opposite, too many people using cell phones or other distracting gadgets are sure they're doing very well with their driving. Ask the other people around him that have had to move out of his way, avoid his sudden partial lane changes, or have had to wait for him to notice that the light has changed. Being on a motorcycle makes a person very aware of the distracted driving going on.
I hear it a lot: "I've never had any problems", but the people around you sure have.