1492 wrote:
OK, that makes sense. I've tried a couple of NCH free apps, and have uninstalled them all. And here's why. Look what the free VideoPad Editor appears to include after monitoring its setup file:

Registry entries for Conduit. What many consider a browser hijack. Some even going as far to call it a virus? And appearing to attach itself to browser search requests, or for tracking browser behavior.
This is what AdwCleaner flagged "after" installing VideoPad:
Notice that you are given the option of unchecking these entries if you do not want them removed. But Conduit may be attached to the program itself, so removing the entries could have broken its functionality.
Alas, few freeware apps come without some type of strings attached. If anything, it appears AdwCleaner worked as it was designed? And likely doing you a favor in the process even though you may not have been aware, or even told of Conduit included in the software?
After you run AdwCleaner, run Malwarebytes and see if it detects things from AdwCleaner. It did on mine.