Latest update on our hispeed internet quest. I called twice to order only to be told it was not available even though it had been in the house less than a month prior.
The wife called a few days ago now that we are actually in the house and asked why we could not get it. She was told we could in fact get it not at 10meg but 25 meg! We ordered it and the tech came to install it and after several hours checking connections up and down the road and doing multiple tests finally told us he could not do 25 meg and had no idea why nor did his tech support, but could give us 10 meg. We said go ahead, and we now have unlimited hi speed 10 meg dsl.
I even streamed a netflix last nite, the first time I have ever done such a thing. I just pushed buttons and eventually a movie started. Wow! According to the local utility, we should have fiber optic in a year or so, not that we really care at the moment.