Forum Discussion

RoadXYZ's avatar
Explorer II
May 02, 2013

Looking for an e-Reader with games

I am endeavoring to find an e-Reader (Nook or Kindle) with a games option such as Spider Solitaire, etc.

Experiences or advice please.

Hubby has a Nook, and I have been thinking of getting an e-Reader for about a year .. we volunteer a lot and I use reading or playing games on my laptop as a form of relaxation (when weather not good for hiking).
  • I own a couple of Nooks, Color and Touch. Last fall I bought a 10" Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.2 at Costco. Costco lets you return the tablet if it doesn't work out for you. It is an Android so you have access to tons of Google Play and Samsung apps.

    I use MobilityWare solitaire which I enjoy. When I buy eBooks from Kindle I read them on the Kindle app. Same for Nook. I also can read eBooks I take out of the library on the tablet. And DRM free epubs on the tablet, too. Samsung has an additional storage slot so I keep reference books on that, like cookbooks, travel guides, etc. I also have plenty of storage with the Dropbox cloud storage.

    I have an Android smartphone so my those apps also work on my tablet. I can read them better on the tablet. I hardly read on my Nooks anymore. But if sun is very bright I read on my Nook Touch.
    I read newspapers and magazines on the tablet. Keep favorite recipes on the tablet and use it in the kitchen, home or while traveling!

    It is more useful than I anticipated.
  • Kindle Fire is the best I've seen without spending big money on an IPad. I have both and the kindle is impressive.
  • The Nook just got a software update today that allows general Google Android apps to be used on it.

    However, I would look at a Nexus tablet instead -- best bang for the buck.
  • I think what you want is a tablet that can be used as an e-reader, rather than an e-reader with games.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    What I got for my wife was an Android Tablet (About 100 bucks with product protection plan at,, yes a low end tablet).

    She was a computer phobe, loved it, thousands of apps, most of them games INCLUDING spider solitare Mahjong, Shanghai (Mahjong take off) and more.

    Many useful apps like RV-Assistant, RV Parky, RV Park finder, many store apps including My Pilot and Blue Beacon (Clean and fueled rigs run better) Maps, and so many more t hings I can't list 'em all (Though the small tablet did not have GPS)

    I can plug in a standard 101Key "Windows" type keyboard for messaging (Same as my Android phone by the way)

    And oh yes... Kindle for Android.
  • Fizz wrote:
    A true ereader using e-ink is not a tablet.
    It can go weeks between charges.
    Once the text is loaded for reading it sleeps till you flick the next page.
    Not good for games so it has none.

    X2! An e-ink ereader is also the only device that can be used in bright sunlight. In fact, the brighter the light, the easier it is to read. If you are serious about reading IMHO you will want the e-ink version. We have both eReaders and tablets/iPads. There is a role for both.
  • A true ereader using e-ink is not a tablet.
    It can go weeks between charges.
    Once the text is loaded for reading it sleeps till you flick the next page.
    Not good for games so it has none.
  • Good Morning

    I have a Nook color that I added the chip from N2A to convert it to an Android tablet. This removes all the restrictions that B&N put on the Nook so You can load as many games or apps as it can hold from about anywhere. It includes both Nook and Kindle software so you still have ereader capability.

  • Wife & I both have Google Nexus tablets - she the 7", I the 10". Both will run all kinds of games (all of what we have are free from Google Play), as well as both the Amazon and B&N apps. DW uses hers mostly for e-books from our hometown public library, I use mine for e-books as well as games and occasional web surfing. Both of ours are wifi access only. Getting tablets with direct wireless cell access would change your options.

    We opted not to go with Kindles or Nooks to be able to load what we wanted from where we wanted, and we'd heard stories of both Amazon and B&N limiting your downloads to what you could buy (as in pay for) from their stores. Plus at the time (late last year) the Google tabs had the best graphics going, and our tired old eyes appreciate things like that.

  • I have a Kindle fire and have put games on it, like spider solitaire and other card games. You just need to go to the apps store to find the games you want to play.