GordonThree wrote:
mp4 is a tricky format to edit, since it's not exactly a linear format (that is, you can't take a chunk out of it, and just play that chunk.
Maybe with whatever you edit with. We've been capturing and editing MP4 files for years and flipping them into Avid and Harris servers for newscasts across the country. Even iMovie edits and clips my helicopter files both in the Mac and even iPad. Once upon a time you were correct, but stream splicing was licked a long time ago. Yes you can also do a non-destructive NLE edit to the original material and essentially play out a play list that builds the show real time, but you can just as easily save a clip.
BTW-"Linear" editing is whats referred when tape editing as that's how you edit: front to back.. Non-Linear is what it's referred to in a file format that's total random access