Tracfone is #13 of 14, if you page on through that review. You need to understand their rating criteria. I think they assume people will use these phones all the time, so cost per minute if probably a factor in the rankings.
Tracfone offers only a small selection of phones (same as their higher rated Net10 service). Tracfone minutes are relatively expensive if you use a lot of minutes. On the other hand, being connected to the service is cheap. I keep a Tracfone active for emergency use, paying less than $7 a month, buying a $20 60 minute card every 90 days. I've accumulated about 2000 minutes. I'm buying service time, not minutes.
If you want to use a lot of minutes, you can get 10 cents a minute on Net10, approximately the same borrowed networks. StraightTalk works the same way, it is a Tracfone-type plan marketed through Walmart/Sams. These plans might give you more minutes for your money, but you will pay more per month to stay connected.