Forum Discussion

debaets's avatar
May 03, 2013

No dash camera for me

I’ve been reading several posts about which dash camera is best, which one has the clearest pictures etc. The reasoning goes that if you’re in an accident you can prove who is at fault…..what happens if you’re at fault? Don’t want to pick on anyone but one of the posts had the video from the newly installed dash cam to show everyone how clear the video was. Well, it also showed him blowing right through the stop sign in his neighborhood. Lets face it most accidents happen by ‘accident’. I’ll be the first to admit that I am not always paying attention like I know I should be, or maybe I’m following too close, or speeding, or trying to make a turn at the last minute because I was distracted. Sometimes the he said vs she said works in your favor.
I’d like to have video of some of the beautiful places we’ve driven through but I don’t want video of some of the ‘bone head’ moves I’ve made over the years.

Safe travels to ALL.