B&E - Make noise and lots of it. That requires lots of power. did not see that covered.
Rule number one in burglar alarms: get perp out of premise ASAP with noise, smoke or whatever to minimize loss.
You mentioned intrusion but did not say how - that is a subject by itself with lots of technology and successful detection - especially in an un-airconditioned environment is difficult.
Video picture quality you will probably get will not be good enough for court. Not to mention more and more bad guys are learning the value of simply things like hoodies to hide from cameras.
Hardwireing in an RV is going to get VERY expensive. Technology you talk about is going to be way over the head of most RV'ers and most consumers won't buy something they can't understand.
Find several medium size local independent alarm co's and see if they want to be dealers for test market. Just talking to them should be helpful. I think the installation process is going to be your biggest problem. I have forty plus years in security and if you knocked on my co. door, we would not be interested. Learning/training curve to big for such a small market. But that's just my opinion