The most versatile setup for DISH on multiple TV's would be a tripod mounted triple LNB 1000.2 oval dish. With both eastern arc and western arc LNB sets on hand, along with 3 or 4 fifty foot lengths of RG-6 coax, you would be set for almost any location and aiming situation. You would also be set to feed any TV with any channel, regardless of which satellite it's on. The downside is the learning curve and time involved in setting up and aiming the dish at each location. Personally, I have that down to 15 minutes or less in most locations. I have not landed on a site yet where I could not get a signal, even if it was only by carefully sighting the dish through a small gap in the tree cover.
If you must have an automated solution, the only similar option is a Winegard Trav'ler roof mounted dish or an equivalent. The Trav'ler is only capable of "seeing" the western arc sats automatically, although it can be manually tuned to one of the eastern arc sats I understand. As was posted earlier, a tripod mounted dish can be done for around $100 or less. A Trav'ler will run around $1500 plus installation.