We've had both DirecTv and Dish in our camper and there are pros and cons to both. Dish gives HD with an auto-find portable while DirecTv offers more sports options and keeps signal better in foul weather. Right now, we're using Dish service with the Pathway X2 and are very pleased. FWIW - Dish seems more "friendly" to the concept of RV use and we move our units around from our outdoor TV setup at home, to the campground, to tailgating events, and then off to our hunting camp as needed. Dish knows what I'm doing as far as moving my portable setup around and doesn't care in the least. For full disclosure, I do have Dish equipment at home that stays in place as well. DirecTv, on the other hand, always seemed either incapable of handling the idea of portability in their system or thinks users are pulling some theft of service scam on them by having a portable setup. Just my $0.02, but we're happier with Dish.