No one will ever send you a legitimate e-mail request of this kind. You might get something that says your account had been hacked and you should log into your account but there will NOT be a link! Hover over ALL links from ALL sources (even trusted) and ensure it actually links to the expected site. Say you get an e-mail from Bank of America. Every link will be something like this (did not make the link active intentionally). However you may get an e-mail where the link is If you click on that link you are going to the "" site (the name just prior to .com) and not anything related to Band of America.
Personally, I don't click on ANY e-mail link! Period! Even when I am pretty sure that Bank of America is sending me a legitimate e-mail I close the e-mail, open the BOA website and proceed from there. I may be overly cautious but I have never been hacked!
What I post is my 2 cents and nothing more. Please don't read anything into my post that's not there. If you disagree, that's OK.
Can't we all just get along?