tenbear wrote:
fj12ryder wrote:
tenbear wrote:
I have not been able to find the "save as" function in Delorme. If you have found it perhaps you could tell me where it is.
Sure, I'm running Delorme SA 2010 but I think 2008 was the same, I only update every couple years.
At the bottom of the open map there are the tabs: Map Files,Find, Print, etc. Click on the "Map Files" tab, then the "File" button. This will open the menu that includes: New, Open, Save, Save as, etc.
Hope this helps. Here's a pic that may help.
Thank you, I'm embarrassed that I wasn't able to find it. One less thing I have to learn. :B
Well, they don't make it easy to find, that's for sure. Glad I was able to help.