May-19-2018 07:04 AM
Jan-27-2019 07:46 PM
Bill.Satellite wrote:bukzin wrote:Bill.Satellite wrote:
5Gb for $20 is OK, but I full time and use well over 50Gb/month so I need a plan that will allow substantially more data.
For heavy data users Google Fi is a good option
Better than my AT&T Mobley? $20/month for unlimited 4G?
Jan-27-2019 02:35 PM
Jan-27-2019 11:40 AM
Jan-27-2019 04:35 AM
bukzin wrote:Bill.Satellite wrote:
5Gb for $20 is OK, but I full time and use well over 50Gb/month so I need a plan that will allow substantially more data.
For heavy data users Google Fi is a good option
Jan-26-2019 12:36 PM
fcooper wrote:This is the same service I have had for a couple of years. No problems at all.
If you want to stay on the Verizon network, check out It runs on the verizon network, and we pay about $62 per month for two lines sharing 15GB of data. We have been very pleased with the service.
Jan-26-2019 12:23 PM
Bill.Satellite wrote:
5Gb for $20 is OK, but I full time and use well over 50Gb/month so I need a plan that will allow substantially more data.
May-27-2018 08:20 PM
May-25-2018 05:50 AM
May-23-2018 06:36 PM
May-23-2018 12:52 PM
vermilye wrote:
For those considering leaving Verizon, and want "Excellent" coverage, you might consider AT&T. I currently have unlimited data coverage on both networks.
Not much in the way of savings unless you were lucky enough to get in on the Mobley unlimited for $20.00 per month deal, but I've been traveling all over the US for the last 8 years, and while AT&T was a poor second to Verizon for most of that time, I have found them just about equal this year.
There are always going to be places where one or the other will have coverage while the other doesn't, but if you get away from the cities or major highways, both AT&T & Verizon are your only choice for reliable coverage.
May-23-2018 09:07 AM
May-23-2018 06:20 AM
May-22-2018 08:56 PM
May-20-2018 01:18 PM