wa8yxm wrote:
monkey44 wrote:
BTW: We only got residual wind and rain from Ian, not Hurricane force.
Though you only got "Residual wind and rain" Do you now where Comcast's "head end" is (The central distribution center) and how bad they got hit.. And it only takes one lightening bolt in the right place and you get nothing.. Now assuming the cable is all fiber you don't get "Zapped" (But if there are power wires paralleling the cable... Well I( don't know So long as there is anough FIBER ONLY between you and the street should be safe) But the cable is fried, well fried, and the amplifiers/relays as well.
OK - wa8yxm ssume you are correct - as you usually are. All of us were getting lost signals and pixelation months BEFORE Hurricane Ian hit anywhere. So, Ian might have 'injured' Comcast, but it had nothing to do with our original installation problems which Comcast continously ignores. Now, it's blaming Ian - a conventient answer to use whenever we call Comcast. We now have a Tech (community member) compiling a formal complaint.
A NOTE: Comcast continues to get paid monthly for our community service because it's part of a bulk deal and in our HOA fees. Legally complex, but we cannot refuse to pay our HOA fees, and HOA cannot refuse to pay Comcast unless our BoD takes legal action. Our BoD is unwilling, because - well, it's a relatively typical BoD without knowledge or 'guts'... in cases like this. BoD says it's our individual problem to contact Comcast ... Not true, HOA / BoD has a contract with Comcast, not the individual community homeowner.
I know, an HOA, but as I said, it is what it is and we cannot do anything individually. So, it's a struggle, but we're continuing the fight and not lying down for it.
I originally opened this thred to gather a bit of tech info, but it seems like it's turned into a Monkey44 complaint thread about HOA and BOD stuff. Not my intent, but M44 certainly appreciates all the input. Will let folks know the outcome, if anyone's interested. :)