By coincidence, I followed the same path. Started with Vegas from Sonic Foundry. It was originally designed for multi-track audio mastering/editor until users discovered that it also did video.
I started using Vegas Pro exclusively when Sony acquired the software, and took seminars at film festivals and NAB given by Sony development team. I felt Vegas had the most user friendly workflow, and thought of it as the closest WIN version of Apple's Final Cut Pro.
Transitioned to Adobe Premiere Pro as that's whats approved (and paid) for at work. Premiere Pro CC as become a very powerful editor capable of handling most any project.
Started using Davinci Resolve FREE mostly out of curiosity. Then received multiple copies of Resolve Studio included when I bought cameras/hardware from BlackMagic Designs. Now basically hooked on Resolve, and have it installed on both PC/Mac.
Now in the process of getting software waiver approved at work to install Resolve on my office iMac. A requirement for network security purposes, as unapproved software can be detected/removed remotely by our SOC. Don't ask me how I know, even though I have IT admin privileges. :h