Most any Weather-all Hazards alert radio sold in the US today will have SAME technology it is not the zip code you program in but the area code, an area may be a county or even a city, but is usually multiple zip codes Most radios can accept multiple zones.. I have like 4 programmed into my Radio.
Two for summer, one for winter and one more
Plus it has TRAVEL mode (mine is a pocket size)
To program you can either use the owner's manual or a web site and look up where you are or, Just now I leave it in travel mode.
Radios come in two types.. "Pocket Size" Portable battery powered with built in antenna.
Desk Top: Line powered, usually with a rod antenna and an external antenna connector if you wish to use an external (Scanner) antenna.
Radios operate in the range of 162.5 MHZ give or take a bit so a 2-meter Ham antenna is a good choice of antenna or a scanner antenna.
At these (VHF) frequencies HEIGHT is MIGHT so an antenna mounted higher gives better reception. Thus the desktops work better. But the portable also have advantages.