SCVJeff wrote:
You clearly don't get the point that terresterial IP distribution is an extremely limited resource. It's interesting you continue to gloss completely over this.
Companies don't buy and merge because they are losing business, they merge to EXPAND.
You clearly don't get the point that terresterial IP distribution is an extremely limited resource. It's interesting you continue to gloss completely over this.
This is not about glossing, rather the failure to answer relevant question “why are people abandoning their satellite dishes”. I have posted my views about this on my previous posts., I suggest you read them. If what you're to saying is: people shouldn't voice their opinions because their thinking don't mesh with your line of thought then what is purpose of this forum?
Companies don't buy and merge because they are losing business, they merge to EXPAND.
Merger is the euphemism of takeover. They use the word (merger) because it sounds more palatable to the FTC. Takeovers, whether motivated by expansion or for the purpose of making the CEO look good also makes the FTC suspicious—hence require approval for any attempt to merge. It leads to
monopoly if not properly regulated.
This euphemism is also necessary to avert investors running for the nearest exit—which could be devastating to the company's stock.