strollin wrote:
Gdetrailer wrote:
Pretty fair chance the UAC (User Account Control) may be blocking your install.
Is it asking for user name and password?
If so that is UAC and that can be disabled.
Never disable UAC, it's simply not necessary. UAC has NEVER prevented me from installing or running any software.
Gdetrailer wrote:
And for the record, I am not impressed with Win8.1 at all.. Spent most of last week beating Win8.1 along with Office 2013 into submission on my new work PC..
Just absolutely retarded the amount of extra steps one must now take to do stupid simple things like printing from Word..
Managed to figure out work arounds for many things that used to be simple in Win7 and below that Win8.1 no longer has..
Can you give an example? I bounce between Win 7 and Win 8 and Office 2007. 2010 & 2013 on a daily basis and I don't encounter extra steps to make things work.
As far as VAHillbilly's issue with installing and running Classic Shell, I'm wondering if it's because he is running as a regular user and trying to install as a regular user. He may need to login as an admin user to install things then once installed, log out the admin user and log back in with his regular user.
UAC was invented for the AVERAGE NON USER to prevent them from installing something harmful.. It was "invented" back in VISTA days and we ALL know how bad VISTA was when attempting to even run it's OWN BUILT IN PROGRAMS.. Remember when you tried to open note pad in Vista? Yep, that was UAC BLOCKING YOU and asking if you were REALLY sure you wanted to run this program..
UAC CAN in some cases prevent you from installing WANTED programs so SOMETIMES you will need to TEMPORARILY disable UAC in order to fully install a program.
UNSIGNED PROGRAMS like what the OP is trying to install comes to mind that ARE OFTEN blocked by the UAC.
That WAS DISCUSSED in the link from Microsoft I put into my post.. IF ONLY YOU WOULD HAVE READ THAT LINK..
Once you have the program installed you then can just as easily RE-ENABLE UAC.
As far as stupid changes..
Have you tried printing a document from word 2013?
It TAKES SIX, YES, SIX MOUSE CLICKS just to print a document.
Word 2007 took TWO mouse clicks..
Yeah, that IS "productivity" :h
After a lot of searching I finally figured out how to add "Preview and Print" short cut to the "ribbon" (the "ribbon" yet another waste of desktop space) which now allows me TWO mouse clicks to print.. But that "feature" was hidden AND the little tiny "icon" doesn't even look like a printer..
Another example of stupid is the start menu is GONE :S , no longer is ALL the functions and features of the OS AND PROGRAMS gathered into ONE PLACE.. Even the "Metro" screen does not have ALL the functions or Programs in it..
Speaking of the "metro" screen, what a time waster..
Due to the absence of the Start menu, you have no easy way to put a shortcut onto the desktop for the programs of interest..
For example, if you want Note Pad, Snip, Paint or any other built in programs you must go to "Metro" or PIN it the the "task bar" at the bottom of your screen.. That is plain stupid.
My work around to this stupidity was to browse to the windows32 folder, find the exe file of interest, and create short cut to desktop.. Thank goodness I know a lot about the previous OS's and know how to find my way around..
How about the "White on White" of Office 2013 look?
Not everyone likes or wants to look at a "Kindle" like screen.. All that white just burns my retinas.. I did manage to tone that down by setting background to GREY..
Outlook was darned hard to figure out where the actual buttons were due to the white on white background.. Preview pane blended into the inbox and so on..
A little color would be nice please..
Win7 was a piece of cake setting up my work PC compared to Win8.1..
MS never envisioned so much backlash to Metro and with 8.1 they grudgingly put the desktop back but never gave it FULL capability and functionality which is why so many people are adding third party programs to RESTORE FULL FUNCTIONALITY to the desktop.
How about the "graphics", icons and symbols..
They look like the were designed by a 1st grader most are two color and a basic "box".. They do not look appropriate for such an expensive piece of software..
What a waste of a high end video card..
My good old Commodore64 with GEOS had better looking Icons and it was only 16 color :h
Win8 IS another blunder like "ME", and Vista..
Hopefully MS will have learned something and Win 10 put some power back into the users control..