Technology advances with improvements in software, appliances, cars, homes, etc.
DTV has taken a new direction with it's HS-17 Genie 2 which is a server with no TV connections, rather wired or wireless clients are connected to the TVs. It supports 5 HD plus 2 4K programs which uses 17 channels with it's 2 TB hard drive.
While I have no current need for the Genie 2 I can see the handwriting on the wall in terms of my grandkids generation and their wired homes. My home has cable and phone wires which are not used. Instead we use DTV's lowly HR44 receiver and Verizon phone and internet. This is at least partially due to keeping cost down by moving the equipment to the RV when we're out and about. All of these technologies will be obsolete in the future. In Chandler, AZ Intel has constructed over $12 billion in empty buildings. I'm sure they have a plan to fill them and use all of the solar power covering the parking areas.