ken burke wrote:
taken wrote:
To boost cell phone signal for use as a wireless hotspot, use this:
RV Cell Signal Booster
To boost campground WIFI signal use this:
WIFI Booster
Do these boosters really work where there is a weak incoming signal? I haven't seen a booster that really works given a weak incoming signal.
my wilson amp works with a weak signal, and often when my phone won't get any connection I can get 3 bars with the wilson amp and external 1/2 wave antenna.
Hint. there are places we go were CDMA reception is zilch (Verizon etc.) or where GMS signal is zilch (ATT etc.) However, often 1 is good.. Our phones are CDMA (verizon) if I can't get a signal, I try our truck onstar which is GSM for the phone and internet. Often that works.
So, I know many folks that travel a lot and have two phones, wife has one carrier, husband another. just make sure one carrier is GSM and one is CDMA.
but there are still places w/o any coverage. we also have a spot connect that lets us send text messages to a list of contacts via satelite connection. Unforetunetly, the system is half duplex and can't recieve messages.