Well, guess you guys missed where I changed my plans and took this trip, but not to the south rim of the Canyon. Thanks to several members who gave great suggestions, we went to Bryce Canyon instead and it worked out perfectly! One of the best trips I have ever taken, without the hassle of setting up rooms(two of them each stop), figuring out where to eat, etc. and in the end it came out $1500 less than had I done the motels and meals. So I used twice as much fuel, would have still driven the truck @ 20MPG.
We just got back from a short weekend trip at the other end of the state and in Wisconsin, Rustic Barn. Very nice campground. So far we have done 4 trips, 10 campgrounds, and really putting the new trailer to good use.
Oh and the general consensus is we are going to hit a few of the campgrounds we visited on that long trip again, especially Chatfield. My mom wants to go to Omaha again and stay there a few days next year, so I guess I will get some good use again next year.
Now to get it winterized and stored in the barn. Not looking forward to that, lots of work ahead of me to get the barn cleared out, move some lights, move the horse trailer, clear out the back of the barn. Would much rather drive to Utah again!